The National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC)
The National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) is based on research and input from experts, families who have experience with fostering or adopting children, and former foster and adoptive youth. This specific curriculum is American Indian/Alaska Native focused that will be facilitated by Nisqually Children and Family Services certified facilitator, Jasmine McDonald, MSW, that participated in the Train the Trainer with NTDC. We are hopeful that this curriculum will assist in the recruitment of prospective placements and to educate current placements.
If you any questions or are interested in this training, please contact Jasmine McDonald, MSW, at (360) 472-2610 or email
What: The National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC)
When: Tuesdays from 5:30pm - 7:00pm, January 14th - March 18th (See flyer for full schedule)
Where: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Jasmine McDonald, MSW, (360) 472-2610 or
For the flyer, please click here.