January 3rd - Cleo's Retirement Party
The Elders program would like to invite the Nisqually Tribe and community to Cleo Frank's retirement celebration! Lunch will be served starting at 10:00am.
Cleo has worked for the tribe since 1977. Cleo is a huge part of our community. She has provided services & support to so many families throughout the years. She enjoys
celebrating our heritage and culture. Cleo is a one of our greatest weavers that has shared her knowledge with our community. Lets celebrate Cleo years of dedication & Work!
What: Cleo's Retirement Party
When: Friday, January 3rd starting at 10:00am
Where: Nisqually Elders Center, 4842 Journey St SE Olympia, WA 98513
Contact: (360) 486-9546
For the flyer, please click here.