Mission Statement
The Nisqually Indian Tribe social services department's mission is to utilize the Tribe's resources in the most well organized way to create social service programs to assure the Tribe's general welfare, allow prosperity, and preserve the Nisqually Native traditional way of life.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-TALK
Statewide End Harm: (866) 363-4276
Adult Protective Services: (877) 734-6277
Social Services
12565 Elder's Lane SE, Olympia WA 98513
Elizabeth McGee, Social Services Admin. Assistant
(360) 456-5221, ext. 1328
Rebecca Feld, NCFS Admin. Secretary
(360) 456-5221, ext. 2212
Brenda Gallo, NCFS Investigator/Caseworker
(360) 456-5221, ext. 1276
Daryl Shortman, Adult Protective Services Social Worker
(360) 456-5221, ext. 1003
Jasmine McDonald, Nisqually Children & Family Services Manager
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