
The Corrections Bureau provides various corrections services including secure detention, work release, day reporting, electronic home monitoring and more. The bureau provides services to the Nisqually and other Native American Tribes. The facility partners with several local cities and serves as violator facility for the Washington State Department of Corrections.



The Nisqually Corrections Center opened in March of 2014. It has a capacity of 288. The facility provides corrections services for Native American Tribes and local jurisdictions throughout Western Washington. The facility also provides services to the Washington State Department of Corrections.



The facility is rooted in Restorative Justice focused on respect, repairing harm, addressing responsibility, relationships and reintegration. Our goal is to ensure those in our facility return to their communities whole, supported and prepared to be positive community members.  Those housed in our secure detention program are treated fairly, respected, and provided program opportunities in accordance with their classification levels. Corrections personnel are well trained and practice de-scalation, active listening, inclusion, and crisis intervention skills always.



In addition to secure corrections, we provide the following:

  • Medicated Assisted Treatment
  • Electronic Home Monitoring
  • Work Release (Currently Unavailable)
  • Day Reporting
  • Full-Time Medical


The information is collected and maintained by Executive Information Systems Jail Management Software. Information is updated numerous times throughout each day. If you have questions, please contact them directly.


Computer_icon.jpg Click here to view current inmate roster.




The facility does not provide information regarding specific cases, court appearances, court schedules or related information. Please contact the appropriate for any available information.  The links below are provided for resource purposes and may not be all inclusive. 


Computer_icon.jpg Nisqually Tribal Judicial Services

Computer_icon.jpg Squaxin Island Court

Computer_icon.jpg Upper Skagit Court 

Computer_icon.jpg Lummi Tribe Court

Computer_icon.jpg Thurston County District Court

Computer_icon.jpg Lakewood Municipal Court

Computer_icon.jpg Yelm Municipal Court

Computer_icon.jpg Tacoma Municipal Court




The Nisqually Corrections Center provides services to the Washington State Department of Corrections as a violator facility. Nisqually personnel cannot provide information regarding DOC hearings, sanctions or other related information. 


Computer_icon.jpg DOC Supervision




The inmate phone, video and tablet systems are owned and operated by GTL. Please see the below link for additional information and how to contact friends and family. Use of the systems are subject to the rules of the facility and terms of service established by GTL.




Inmate commissary / canteen services are owned and operated by Summit Food Service. Please see the information provided below.


All inmate funds are also handled through the Summit systems. Inmate with remaining funds upon release or provided a pre-loaded debit card.






Individuals are released upon completion of hearing and court calendars for their respective agencies. Please check in with reception or utilize the intercom located in the entrance vestibule. Once confirmed, please return to your vehicle and your party will be escorted to you. If your party does not have transportation, they will be returned to the area of jurisdiction. Those held by DOC are subject to transportation as designated. 
Please understand all information provided is for informational purposes only and subject to change. No personal information, to include hearing information, charging information, medical information, release dates, etc. will be provided via telephone. Please speak directly with the individual. No messages are accepted for those held in the facility. No personally delivered correspondence or funds will be accepted. All correspondence must go through the US Postal Service or authorized carrier. All funds must be processed through the automated services provided by Summit and GTL. Kiosks are located in the lobby and services are available online. 
Corrections Bureau Operations
Records, Hearings and Volunteer Coordination
Work Release Program Coordinator (Not Accepting New Applicants)


Bail acceptance at the facility is subject to operations and workload. There may be a substantial wait when posting.

Contact Corrections staff for preferred bail acceptance times at (360) 413-3019 to minimize the potential wait times. 

Posting Bail - Cash Bail
Cash bail is accepted 24 hours a day. Cash bail can be posted at the facility located at 11702 Yelm Highway SE Olympia, WA 98513

Posting Bail - Bail Bonds
There are numerous bail bond companies authorized to write bonds. Check listings in your area.  Nisqually Corrections does not provide referrals to any specific bail bond agencies. Bonding companies are restricted to the same posting times and locations listed above.

Bail Reimbursement
All bail which is posted at the Nisqually Corrections Facility is forwarded to the court that ordered the bail. Please contact the appropriate court for the bail refund information.

Payment Methods
Nisqually Corrections does not accept credit cards or personal checks. Defendants arrested with cash on them, can use all or portions of it towards their bail should they request it.




All correspondence must be received via the US Postal Service or approved carrier. Staff will not accept mail in any other form. 

Inmate mail must be addressed to:
Nisqually Corrections, WA
Inmate Name, Inmate Identifier
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

The following WILL NOT be accepted:
Adult Oriented Materials
Greeting/Holiday Cards
Post Cards
Blank Paper
Pre-Stamped Envelopes

Magazines, periodicals, books and newspapers must be processed through the mail direct from the publisher.

All mail must have a return address. Items without a legible and actual return address will not be processed. All mail is processed through a central mail room and all non-legal mail is subject to inspection, which may delay delivery. No property will be accepted through the mail. Nisqually Corrections is not responsible for cash or items lost through the mail.




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