Our dental program focuses on providing safe, gentle dental treatment while consistently striving to improve the dental patient experience Our dental clinic has 10 state-of-the-art operatories with comfortable ergonomic patient chairs, the ability to use low radiation digital x-rays, a full imaging room that can take external ultra-low dose radiation digital images with 3D capabilities for advanced treatment planning, and we use hospital-grade sterilization equipment Our goal is to make your dental care as comprehensive and comfortable as possible by providing an excellent patient care experience, using state-of-the-art tools and equipment, and through on-going continuing educational courses for our dental staff
Cosmetic Dentistry | Teeth whitening | Emergency Care and Pain Control | Endodontics | Root canal treatment | Laser Dentistry | Oral Diagnosis | Oral Surgery | Orthodontics | Pediatric Dentistry | Periodontics | Preventative care | Cancer screening | Teeth cleaning | Dental exams | Prosthodontics | Partial and full dentures | Occlusal guards | Radiography | Restorative Dentistry | Bridges | Crowns | Fillings
For more information about covered dental services please contact Nisqually Tribe Dental Clinic at:
Nisqually Tribal Health & Wellness Center
4840 Journey Street SE
Olympia WA 98513
Phone: (360) 413-2716
(360) 459-5312 opt 2
Always dial 911 for life-threatening emergencies.
External dental resources:
413 Lilly Rd NE, Olympia, WA 98506 (888) 492-9480
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